A Safe Space For Your Mental Health Needs.

Your First Visit

What To Expect As A New Patient

Your First Visit With Us

Before your new patient appointment visit, you will need to fill out a series of forms online. It is important that you fill these out to be aware of your privacy rights and that you are fully aware of our practice’s policy and procedures. 

Intake visits are up to 60 min in length, giving adequate time for a proper evaluation and assessment. We will start with your reason for wanting to be seen, followed by a general personal history, medical history, and then we will come up with a treatment plan together..

*Some patients will occasionally need to be seen in the office.

What to Bring

If applicable: Current medication bottles, prior mental health records, current medical records, work history, academic records.

psychiatric diagnostic evaluation

Simple and Focused Psychiatric Treatment.

The Benefits of Telemedicine

Simple fact, life is busy!  More often than not people struggle to find the time to care for themselves.  By using telemedicne we are able help you make that time by keeping it simple and focused on your needs.  It’s much easier to find 15-60 minutes for your appointment which can be conducted anywhere.  This makes it simple and you do not have to worry about finding all the time it takes to drive to your appointment, find parking, germ filled waiting rooms and the driving home. 

practical approach to patient care
15 to 30 minute follow ups

What To Expect On Follow Up Visits:

15 to 30-Minute Follow Ups

Follow up visits are generally 30 min in length. Follow ups after the initial visit can vary. In general, if you started a new medication on your initial visit, most likely your next follow up with be 2-4 weeks from the initial intake. For very stable patients with no new medications or no new medication changes, follow ups are every 3-6 months.